Our range of printed Folded Leaflets

Folded leaflets make great mini brochures. Imagine the world before some clever Henry invented folding. Imagine the size of linen cupboard you'd need to fit your duvet cover in? Well, if you've got more to say than you can fit on a leaflet, get a bigger leaflet and fold it. Makes sense really. They're easier to handle, cheaper than a booklet and cheaper to mail out (if you follow Royal Mail's guidelines)..

Your choice of Folded Leaflet says a lot about you and a lot about your business. Let us help design an effective Folded Leaflet which you'll be proud to hand out to everyone you meet!

Business Cards Samples

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If you would like to get your hands on some FREE samples and see for yourself which Folded Leaflet would be right for you why not drop us a line.

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Please note, the above prices are subject to change without notice. All prices accurate at time of publication. Please contact us for an accurate quote for your projects printing requirements.

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